Seminar Theatre Seminar SHIBUYA CAST. SPACE [Finale Act] Theatre Seminar "Ito-Juku" vol.12 Towards a New Development for the Next Generation
Movie-Public Viewing Exhibition YCC Yoyogi-Hachiman Community Center YCC Cinema Selection Portuguese Film "The Soul of a Cyclist" Screening - Discover, Feel and Encounter the Portuguese Republic through Movies
P.O.Minamiaoyama Hall Seminar Theatre Seminar Theatre Seminar "Ito-Juku" vol.11 The Fourth Place: A New Social Space of Co-Creation
P.O.Minamiaoyama Hall Seminar Theatre Seminar Theatre Seminar "Ito-Juku" vol.10 HALL for ALL, ALL for HALL
Workshop Japanese Traditional Comedy YCC Yoyogi-Hachiman Community Center YCC de Traditional Performing Arts YCC Performance Festival
Notice Press Release Seminar Theatre Seminar theatre consulting Ito-Juku Vol. 01 "Proposal for the 2030 Model" Archived Video to be Released Free of Charge
Notice theatre consulting Ito will speak at the "Miyagi Prefectural Citizens Hall/Miyagi NPO Plaza Complex Symposium - Creating Culture and Symbiosis Together".
Theatre Seminar -Research on the Next Generation Model- Vol.06 ‘The City and the Theater: Two Theatrical Artists for Half a Century’
Theatre Seminar -Research on the Next Generation Model- Vol.05 ‘How to Create a Concert Hall: Yasuhisa Toyoda & Masaji Ito's Reunion’(online available)