The rationale for taking on board a theater specialist
What makes a good theater? Essential conditions include stage size and functionality that can accommodate performances of diverse forms of entertainment. Also necessary is special stage equipment for enhancing the impressiveness and sensory appeal of productions. Seating capacity, composition and sightlines also require due consideration, as does user-friendliness of dressing rooms. These are just a few of the multifarious elements that determine the quality of a theater. Finding optimal solutions for each and every one of these spatial and equipment requirements is not easy, even for a highly competent architect. This is where theater consultants like Theatre Workshop come in, bringing their expertise in theater architecture, access to vast amounts of data, and a wealth of experience.
The role of the “hard” consulting team of Theatre Workshop’s consulting department is to provide to the theater architect information necessary for realizing a facility plan that takes into consideration the intended theater/hall’s concept and usage, and to offer advice. At times, the hard consulting team itself designs special stage equipment such as stage mechanisms and lighting. It also provides technical support and information, as well as support for expanding spatial design ideas. Over the years, the hard consulting team has helped create pioneering performing arts facilities by assembling materials that inspire design ideas, by offering ideas, and by thoroughly discussing with the architect aspects ranging from design concept to realization. Our efforts have contributed positively to the evaluation of the architecture of the facilities we have worked on, many of which have received architectural awards such as from the Architectural Institute of Japan Awards and the United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) Architecture Awards.